Why Both New and Mature Technology Companies Need PR
The following is from an excellent article by Dorothy Crenshaw in: Crenshaw Communications, imPRessions, public relations.
A high-impact PR program can be a technology company’s greatest asset – provided it’s well conceived and skillfully executed. Public relations and influencer marketing can put a new tech company on the map. For a more mature technology business, they can help build a competitive advantage. Here’s how any tech company can benefit from the right PR campaign.
PR Educates Customers and Prospects
The typical B2B technology customer is an educated buyer who may research his purchase for weeks or months. Business software, for example, usually has a lengthy selling cycle and comes at a significant cost. Earned media can attract educated customers and deepen their knowledge.
Earned Media Drives Brand Differentiation
Today’s tech categories are hotly competitive. Most buyers and business partners are selective about their relationships – and any purchase truly is a commitment. Visibility from earned media coverage and social sharing can differentiate a brand by aligning it with exciting ideas or communicating corporate values. For products, the implied third-party endorsement that comes with media hits can create both credibility and differentiation.
News Creates a Market Presence
High-profile business coverage can put the spotlight on companies that have been lurking in the shadows for decades. And it can happen instantly.
PR Supports Demand Generation
A great PR program can also drive demand and user acquisition – with some caveats. The kind of customer interest that comes from earned media and contributed or shared content isn’t as reliable as email marketing or sales promotion as a generator of website traffic. Yet a glowing profile or positive review is fully capable of moving a customer through the funnel.
Credibility is Like Money in the Bank for Brand Reputation
Great PR, contributed content, and expert recommendations work to validate and build a reputation over time. When a problem occurs or a crisis situation hits, a stellar reputation is money in the bank.