Why Small Businesses Should Focus on LinkedIn for Marketing
First of all, it’s one of the top four tools we use for our own small business marketing clients and, in many ways, it is the most effective. According to research, here’s why:
· 71% say LinkedIn allows users to identify the credentials of information sources; only 35% say the same about Twitter and 29% say the same about Facebook.
· 58% say LinkedIn provides a trusted resource to help validate information from other sources (vs. 37% for Twitter and 29% for Facebook).
· 55% say LinkedIn provides a trusted channel for vendor information (vs. 43% for Twitter and 32% for Facebook).
· 54% say LinkedIn enables users to quickly find information; 42% say the same about Twitter and 34% say the same about Facebook.
· 71% say LinkedIn uncovers insights that are relevant to users' needs; 49% say the same about Twitter and 41% say the same about Facebook.
· 86% say LinkedIn provides access to a broader network of peers; 54% say the same about Twitter and 54% say the same about Facebook.
The above statistics are from an excellent research-based article by Lenna Garibian.
None of this is really surprising for experienced B2B marketers, but it’s not common knowledge among very small businesses—many of which still cling to Facebook only because that is what they are familiar with. In reality, LinkedIn is the equivalent of Facebook for most B2Bs. While LinkedIn will always be an excellent resource for connecting with decision makers--YouTube is now a close 2nd.
Also notice that none of the above statistics specifically mention LinkedIn advertising (although they don’t exclude it either). LinkedIn advertising is expensive, there’s no getting around it. However, if leveraged correctly it can be well worth it. As a very small business, before embarking on any LinkedIn advertising campaign, be sure that your company page and all of its assets are fully optimized. Are you posting at least weekly and is every post tagged? Does your profile include key terms that are relevant to your market? BTW, LinkedIn is a HIGHLY underutilized source for organic search—but that’s a post for another day.
For a no cost discussion of your situation and how we can leverage metrics-based marketing to grow your business call 630-363-8081 or email jeanna@smartprcommunications.com. Find out more about Marketing Services for Technology Companies.
