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The Power of Case Studies: Part V: Leveraging

1. Use them as sales tools. Use them in presentations, to illustrate key points and to overcome common objections. For example, if prospects often have concerns about service, present a case study that features a client who had similar concerns and then received stellar service.

2. Use them online to generate leads and traffic. You can offer your case studies in exchange for contact information on your Web site. Case studies will also increase traffic and possibly improve your search engine rank.

3. Send them to existing clients and prospects. This is a good way to keep in touch and create interest in a new product or service. Case studies based on real-world applications are welcome additions to company newsletters and e-zines.

4. Use them for speeches. If your executives speak at meetings and conferences, a case study makes an excellent presentation. The content can easily be converted into PowerPoint™. The printed case study itself can be used as a handout.

5. Pull quotes for references. Pull isolated quotes from the case studies to use in other marketing materials. You may want to get your client’s permission first.

6. Use them as tradeshow handouts. Arm your salespeople with every case study you offer and have the case studies organized in files so that they can pull out the appropriate one at a moment’s notice. Also, consider making a great case study into a display by blowing up the copy and adding eye-catching graphics. You can even have it printed on the back wall of the exhibit.

7. Include them in news releases. You can add portions of case studies to news releases. Media people are always looking for examples of how real people use innovative products and services. In addition to product graphics, consider including a photo of the person quoted.

Well-written case studies stand out amid the clutter of marketing materials. Decision-makers will use them as references and cite you as a dependable, credible and trustworthy source of information - the type of company everyone wants to do business with. A case study involves considerable work and requires a variety of resources. But if you leverage it fully, the payback will significantly surpass your investment.

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