7/28/19: 5 Ways to Predict a Trend
A trend is the distillation of a novelty---a novelty plus time. You can predict a trend by anticipating what will remain of a novelty in...
Is Earned Media Really More Credible than Advertising? Yes—with Some Caveats.
The following is excerpted from by Julie O'Neil’s, Marianne Eisenmann’s and Maggie Holman’s excellent 7/15/19 blog post: Is Earned Media...
Why Both New and Mature Technology Companies Need PR
The following is from an excellent article by Dorothy Crenshaw in: Crenshaw Communications, imPRessions, public relations. A high-impact...
The Top 3 PR Service Features Clients Want the Most
Research shows that the following (in order) are the top 3 service features companies want most from their PR consultants (and apparently...